UrbanSoundscape (2024)

An interactive sound installation that gives hotel stayers a sneak peak into Atlanta's major landmarks


Software Development, Experience Design


Myself (Software Developer)
Cynthia Li (Project Manager)
Junzhe Yan (Physical Computing)
Ren Zheng (Audio Design)
Concept Photo - Generated using Midjourney AI

(Problem Area)         +

As part of a design challenge sponsored by Cognizant, our team was tasked with exploring the future of hotel guest experiences. The prompt asked us to envision innovative solutions that could transform how people interact with and experience hotel services.


As the software developer on the team, I engineered the interactive-visual components of our physical prototype. This involved developing the digital interface that brought our concept to life, creating the software architecture to handle user interactions with the installation, programming the integration between physical hardware components and digital displays. I was also involved in the idea exploration process of the installation.

= Result

Our team identified an opportunity to bring more local opinions on Atlanta landmarks into the hotel lobby experience. Through an interactive-sound installation, we can build a sense of connection towards Atlanta's unique culture. The final prototype consisted of interactive strings that, when plucked, triggers an organ like sound and visual animations of reviews on Atlanta's landmarks.


Presented to Cognizant sponsors during Georgia Tech's Launchpad Industrial Design showcase Spring 2024