PN Junction 3D (2024-present)

3D interactive visualization that gives students the option to visually play with abstract concepts to build a stronger understanding of the quantum mechanics behind semiconductors


Three.js, Interactive Media Design, Digital Prototyping


GT Learn Quantum Mechanics Lab
Research Advisor: Dr. Azad Naeemi

(Problem Area)         

Quantum Mechanics and Semiconductor Physics, while foundational to modern technology and core to many science and engineering disciplines, present significant teaching challenges. Their abstract, non-experiential nature, combined with heavy mathematical focus in course materials, often makes it difficult for students to develop intuitive understanding of key concepts.

+ (Role)      

Translating abstract concepts into intuitive visual forms, designing for accessibility as well as accuracy of electron/hole movements and interactions, and developing 3D using Three.js. Currently exploring a path towards VR.

= Result

A 3D, interactive visual simulation of foundational Quantum Mechanics and Semiconductor Physics concepts to offer students an experimental and playful approach to learning challenging subjects. Visit here to interact with other works. 3D PN Junction is under construction here.


Decade long effort of Dr. Azad Naeemi, Dr.Nassim Parvin, and involved graduate students. The educational tools have earned recognition through the IEEE SSCS James Meindl Innovators Award, Georgia Tech's Outstanding Educational Technology Award, and the Student's Choice Award at I/ITSEC's Serious Games Showcase 2015. The Three.js visualization is involved in receiving funding for VR resources.